Music & Art in Friuli, Italy
A 6-day cultural expedition from the 6th to the 12th of May 2012

Programme Services and Prices Picturesque living quarters
Guided tours to the cultural heritage of the Friuli region in North Italy by Dr. Klaus Zimmermanns, Art Historian Landmarks of the piano literature from Haydn to Schubert Michael Leslie at the piano.

The cultural events take place in and around the Villa Tisssano, an aristocratic country residence near Udine with a park, elegantly simple rooms and evening meals with traditional Friulan food and carefully chosen wines.

Each morning an excursion to one of the numerous cultural attractions of the area will be organized and led by Dr. Zimmermanns, art historian and specialist for Italian culture.

In the early evening, after a recreational afternoon break, the musical discussions and piano recitals with the Australian concert pianist Michael Leslie will take place in the elegant rococo salon of the Villa Tissano.
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Double room: € 1090 per person Single room: € 1160 per person Round trip in a luxury bus from Munich to the Villa Tissano and back again, six overnight stays in the Hotel Villa Tissano, breakfast buffets, all excursions and entrance fees, together with the guided tours, musical discussions and concert performances. Not included are the communal evening meals and individual snacks.

Valleystraße 38
81371 München
Tel. 089 7918346.
Mail: k.zimmermanns(at)

Registration and Information
Elisabeth Balletshofer,
Heinrich-Vogl-Straße 4a,
81479, München
Tel. 089 74443200,
Fax 089 74443201,
Mail: e.balletshofer(at)
Please specify
whether you wish to book a single or a double room. Further required information: Address, telephone number and date of birth.
Die Villa Agricola Strassolo
di Tissano Italien –
33050 Tissano/Udine
Telefon: +39.0432.990399
Fax: +39.0432.990435
Mail: info(at) Villa Agricola Strassolo